GLOSSYBOX Comes to Canada!

I have been waiting for this day to come ever since I saw the first unboxing on YouTube (and especially after MissHanaG's December box).

GLOSSYBOX has come to Canada!

I know what you're thinking... Another subscription service?!

It's true. The market is getting a little saturated but I like that. It keeps things competitive. It means that these services have to offer great products and excellent service in order to keep it's customers. There isn't that much stopping someone from dropping one box and switching to another.

I am waiting for my first Glossybox to arrive before giving a full review.

Until then, here's a few things you should know:

* Glossybox originated in the UK and is now available to Canadians [EDIT: it actually originated in Germany]

* Same service as usual -- Deluxe beauty samples delivered to your door

* Guaranteed five products in each box

* Free shipping

* Costs $15/month --- while this seems a little steep, it's $15 including all applicable tax. So really, it's only a few dollars more than the other services

Only time will tell whether it's worth it, but I am still excited to try it.

If you'd like to try it out, you can order yours here!

Happy Tuesday!



  1. ooh exciting! I would love to try GlossyBox.
    I might order myself one for the spring after
    I'm done with school :)

  2. Awesome!! What other subscription services are even available in Canada? The only one I know of is Topbox... :(

    1. Luxebox and Glymm are also available...

  3. OMG! Already signed up! Thanks for letting us know!

  4. I just signed up!!! thanks for the post letting us know! I just recently discovered you on youtube and here, i love you so much!!!!

  5. this is too exciting!! but i'm already subbed to topbox and glymm. i don't think i need a third box. the samples are already piling up haha. i can't wait for your review! :)



  6. I'm considering this, since, as you mentioned, its only a few dollars more, and also, its a guaranteed 5 products, and the site says sometimes they throw in a 6th. However, I don't think it would be something I subscribe to monthly, because I think the rewards system is better on Glymm, and I don't have the money to pay for two boxes every month!

  7. @Allie-bee

    Yeah! There's also Glymm box and Luxe Box! So with Glossy Box now, that makes 4 available to Canadians!

  8. I just signed up and since this is now the FOURTH box I'll be getting in a month, I feel like I should ditch one! I feel like I'm indulging a little...

  9. Thanks for the heads up Aleeza. I'm doing a blog post about it tonight and thanking YOU for letting me know it was available to us! :)

  10. ohhh, this is super tempting! i decided a while ago to only subscribe to 2 boxes at a time and i am happy with glymm and topbox so far... even though my topbox starts in february haha. anyway, i guess i will have to live vicariously through you! :)

  11. You can also use the code GLOSSY13 to get 10% on your first box! :)

