Giveaway Winner + Snapshot Sunday

Happy Sunday, lovies!

To start, I wanted to announce the winner of the Lancôme Illuminating blush giveaway. Thank you to everyone who entered! I  have already emailed the winner & awaiting her reply (if I don't receive one in 48 hours, I will be picking a new winner). So without further ado... *drum roll* ... the winner is:

On to some random snapshots:
  • Bought some polka dot tights a few weeks ago and have been playing around with them.
  • Rediscovered my love for the classic "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough" from Ben&Jerry's.
  • Went to a taping of Steven & Chris with my mum. The episode airs April 3rd.
  • Currently loving L'Oreal's "Not a Cloud in Sight" on my nails.
  • Went on a few quick road trips: one to the USA and another to Blue Mountain.
  • Did anyone else check out the Game of Thrones Exhibit at the Design Exchange?

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! x

