Autumn Faux Fur

Sweater, H&M | Faux Fur Vest, Echo Design (last, last season) | Jeggings, Winners | Booties, Franco Sarto | The New Wayfarer, Ray Bans | Messy hair, model's own 

Before we roll into a new weekend, I thought I'd share a quick outfit from the last one (ps to my Canadians, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving :).

While I won't complain about the unseasonably warm October weather, it certainly won't stop me from pulling out some essential fall pieces. I mean, there's only so much time where a faux fur vest can be worn alone before it becomes a winter wonderland out there. Plus, I absolutely adore this chunky vest from Echo Design, so I never really need a reason. I picked it up a couple years ago, but similar styles often trickle into shops around this time. I spotted a cute one from Club Monaco and an inexpensive alternative from Forever21.

I'm also wearing one my favourite discoveries recently and that is jeggings. Can you believe I've only just stumbled upon them? I've always been a lover of denim skinnies, but jeggings take that love to a whole new level of comfort. Terribly miss usable front pockets, though.

Happy Friday! x



  1. Cute outfit! I also fell in love with jeggings (even though the name still makes me cringe!) And love the new look of the blog :)

  2. I love this look! :) I've actually never tried jeggings before - I definitely need to get on that!


  3. Cute outfit however not for the curvacious ladies out there such as myself :( Lived it anyways and you look gorgeous :)

  4. LOVE THIS! i have something similar from zara which has some suede panels too. my bf called it my 'caveman' vest but when i put it on over a blazer even he had to admit it looked pretty awesome.

  5. are you a taking back sunday fan?

  6. Yes I am! That's where the name came from. Tell All Your Friends is my favourite TBS album :) x

  7. Must. Check. Them. Out. Haha I am in jegging mania. I don't know why I haven't already done so.. I love AE denim because they fit so well and they come in 'short' inseams :) x

  8. Oohh! I want to get one like that, too. Something a bit less bulky. And so funny because I had a similar convo with my bf lol! Boys.. hehe :) x

  9. Gosh.. Jeggings are awesome lol! I'm sure I made fund of them in the past, but I'm eating my words now haha :) x

  10. Agreed! The name needs to go haha it doesn't sound flattering at all haha x

  11. I love your outfit! I've been constantly debating whether to buy a fur vest or not! I love how chic it is but I'm just afraid I won't be able to incorporate it well into my wardrobe! :)

